Monday, 15 July 2013

Two More Batches of Taraqiyat Jirga Office bearers Trained

Two Batches of the office bearers of Taraqiyati Jirgas from Mohmand Agency, FATA, Pakistan trained on rights and Obligations and concepts of sustainable development. 1st Batch Comprised on 9 TJs and second batch provided training to 10 Taraqiyati Jirgas. Each TJ was represented by 3 of its executive members, and each training lasted three days.
1st Batch training was opened by Deputy Director Project Mr. Dawood Afridi from DoP, FATA Secretariate, where he assured full cooperation of FATA secretariat to the communities, FRD and LPH teams. Mr. Afridi also emphasized the importance of community contribution in their own development. Mr. Mohsin ul Mulk, the Regional Program Coordinator LPH also spoke on the occasion to the community members and explained the back ground of LPH, its coordination with FATA secretariat, FRD and communities. CEO of FRD explained the concept of social mobilization in the context of FRD's working and clarified that We believe that it is Only the communities themselves who can play a major role in their sustainable development. They should plan, implement and contribute to their own development. FRD will always be there to Provide technical support and guidance in their sustainable development initiatives.
The Training covered topics like, concepts of Development, Social Mobilization, TJ/Community organization and its role in the development, Roles and responsibilities of the office bearers, Sustainability of development interventions, Poverty and various approaches for its alleviation, and how to maintain the interest of the General Body in the long term development of the Villages. Senior Community facilitator explained the process of the formation and capacity building of TJs/CBOs in FRD-LPH context and offered continuous support to TJs even after the training is over, he explained that now it is time to implement your learning from this training back in your villages, and FRD team will always be there to provide you backstopping and support, he also explained that how FRD now plans to prepare Village development plans of all the villages with support of TJs members and urged them to contribute sincerely to the preparation of VDPs.