Monday, 31 December 2012

Tent Shelter Jalozai Camp
1st July, 2012 To 30th September, 2012

Jalozai IDPs camp, 35 kilometres southeast of Peshawar, Pakistan, is one of the largest of 150 refugee or transit camps in Pakistan, holding Afghan refugees from the 1980s. The Camp is at present hosting about 8166 families mostly from Khyber Agency and some IDPs form Swat, Bajuar, Mohmand Agency and Afghan Refugees.
Tent has been the most effective aid in fulfilling the requirements of the temporary shelter, but on the other side it has some limitations, tents have shorter life and are prone to harsh weather and wear and tear if used for prolonged passage of time, in addition in harsh weather conditions like extreme cold and in sever hot conditions tents are not capable to provide the necessary insulation to with stand extreme cold and hot weather, Therefore making it very difficult for the families living inside the camp to cope up with.
To overcome these problems, FRD in Partnership with UNHCR installed 4000 tent shelters in Jalozai camp. Project was implemented in two phases, pilot phase and main project. 60 tent shelters were installed in pilot phase and 3940 tent shelters in second phase of the project. Tent shelters are designed in such a way that it provides insulation in both summer and winter. These tent shelters, on one hand provide comfort to tolerate the extreme weather while on the other hand providing additional space to the families to ease mobility inside the shelter. The tent shelter provide shading over the tents and therefore making it a lot comfortable inside the tents while in addition it enabling the female population to move around by providing them additional space while not compromising their cultural norms and traditions.
The tent shelter provides space for the children to play inside the shade while not going out into the sun and therefore reducing the health risks.
The tent shelter is not only providing shading and insulation against weather but also provide ventilation enabling the fresh air to enter into the shelter and helping in moderating the temperature in summer.
The tent shelter have multiple benefits for the families living inside as it provide space, insulation, psychological benefits as the families feel better living in open space, it provide space to the kids to roam around and play inside while for female it is very beneficial as they had to live within the confined of the tent and thus make it far more convenient to perform domestic chores as well as giving comfort of moderate temperature.
Shelter Repair Kit Assistance for Kurram Agency
March 1st, 2012 To June 30th, 2012

FRD has entered into an agreement with UNHCR to restore normal life in the areas of return for returnee IDPs both  of sectarian violence as well as conflict between military and militants The project will provide shelter repair kit assistance to 1000 returnee IDPs families which will facilitate more than 7,000 individuals to live a life of dignity. This shelter repair kit assistance is a bit improvised as compared to shelter repair kit assistance in other FATA agencies as it has an inbuilt component of improving the hygiene conditions through provision of wash room material as well as roofing material for a kitchen. As for some IDPs it is more than 4 years that they have abandoned their houses and have taken refuge in other parts of the country. The absence of proper maintenance and prevalence of active conflict has caused significant damage to housing. This is really important to enable these IDPs to have their own houses at the places of their origin.

It is planned to benefit the most vulnerable families who are in need of shelter and don’t have the required resources for construction/repair of their houses. After verification of vulnerable families by FRD social team, shelter repair kit will be distributed to each targeted family.As raising the walls of the shelter is the responsibility of the beneficiaries, technical persons of FRD will keep on providing on the spot guidance and peer groups meetings trainings to incorporate possible DRR measure in construction of their shelters. The social mobilization teams of FRD will organize village level committees of the beneficiaries. These committees will not only help in verification of the beneficiaries but will also lead the process of early recovery in their villages, additionally to speed up the process of construction, water will be provided through tankering in villages where there is a problem or shortage of water for construction.
Cash for work will be provided to each beneficiary in two instalments ie. Initial instalment of PKR.8,550 will be issued with provision of tool kits and final instalment of PKR.8,550 will be issued after completion of construction process.
FRD will be in close contact with coordination body, the return task force and other stakeholders to enable its project interventions meet the objectives of the project. The neutrality and impartiality aspect of humanitarian work will be maintained throughout the project.
This project will help bring the life back to normal as after having a proper home the returnee IDPs can focus on rehabilitation of their livelihoods and other productive activities.

Shelter Solutions for Spontaneous Camps in Charsadda and Nowshehra

January 1st, 2012 To March 31st, 2012

Monsoon floods of 2010 left millions of people homeless across the country. Those people who had some resources or got some assistance from humanitarian organizations managed to rebuild their homes. The most unfortunate and least resourceful people mostly the tenants who neither had resources nor had a piece of land where they could resettle, and therefore were forced to live in spontaneous camps which were established after the monsoon floods of 2010. With shift of the focus of the humanitarian organizations and government agencies to other big magnitude issues these people virtually had no option to settle with dignity in some permanent house.

FRD with collaboration of UNHCR agreed upon provision of lands and shelter to these vulnerable families of Saleem Sugar Mills Charsadda and Kheshgi Spontaneous Camps.

FRD started the construction of the shelters for the families who managed to acquire land somehow through their own resources and with the financial help of some generous individuals, for the remaining families too FRD coordinated with various individual philanthropist and arranged land, and now all of these families either have own land or have legal rights to use a piece of land for their permanent residence.

The project has benefited 35 families with 181 individuals (55.25 % Male and 44.75% female) who were living in these spontaneous camps for last 18 months.

The provision of permanent shelter to these families have not only provided security and protection to these families but also enabled them to cope up with the freezing cold in winter as well as scorching heat in summer. It will also help in restoration of their livelihood means with the peace of mind of having home of their own and will be able to concentrate on earning their livelihood.
Shelter Repair Kit Assistance for 500 returnee IDP families in Mohmand Agency FATA
November 2011 To January 2012

Security situation across FATA and Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa remained unstable for the last many years.Inside the FATA Agencies security situation conditions varied from one place to other. Some areas were severely affected and some beard lesser damages. The conflict situation in Tehsil Safi of Mohmand Agency disrupted life for a long time. The volatile security situation and later on military operation caused thousands of people to leave their houses and take refuge in some other area. The active conflict situation and lack of proper maintenance deprived the people of their homes. FRD in partnership with UNHCR was the 1st organization to provide relief to the returnee IDPs in the severely conflict affected area of Mohmand Agency.
FRD adopted a participatory method of beneficiary identification while also maintaining the neutrality and impartiality of humanitarian assistance. FRD teams carried out door to door assessments of all the severely affected villages in southern and central parts of tehsil Safi. Community representatives in each village accompanied FRD team, so that all the needy families are identified and reached to. After identification of the families, FRD social mobilization and technical teams established a close liaison with them, and continuously provided them with technical advice for rehabilitation of their houses. While the beneficiaries were planning and carrying out construction, Logistics team members of FRD ensured that all the material required for houses rehabilitation reach them well on time. Raising the walls had been contribution of the beneficiaries, while FRD and UNHCR were responsible for supply of the material, technical advice, and after completion of the shelter the families were provided with cash for work.
The project is benefiting 500 returnee IDP and stayee families. Criteria for selection is the vulnerability of the families and damages to shelters.
Community Infrastructure Rehabilitation District Tank, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa
November 2011 To May 2012

Monsoon floods of 2010 in Pakistan was the worst natural disaster in the living history of the Country in terms of geographical coverage and the damage to houses, infrastructure and livelihoods. The worst affected areas that were difficult to access received comparatively lesser attention. FRD in addition to working in easily accessible areas also did not ignore the difficult to access areas. District Tank is one of the most far flung district of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, situated in the south of the province. FRD carried out assessments in Union council Gulimam of district Tank and submitted a proposal to UNDP Italian fund (Peace and Development Project). The proposal was accepted due to the realistic need assessment and the realistic approach.
Project is being implemented with enthusiasm. The project intends to rehabilitate streets, sanitation drains, flood protection bunds, access roads and community centres in the targeted areas. FRD has adopted a participatory approach both in identification of the schemes for rehabilitation as well as implementation of the activities. In addition to project activities implementation FRD is also working on community mobilization to involve the beneficiaries in decision making, and propagating the democratic values at gross root level.

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Livelihoods Development, Program Facilitation
15th July 2011 To 31st December 2012

Mohmand Agency is one of the seven districts (agencies) managed by the federal government under the FATA secretariat.  FATA is among the most backward area of Pakistan, and well known for its volatile security situation. to stabilize the FATA through long term development initiatives and ensure peace in the region FRD has entered into an agreement with Inter Cooperation a Swiss based Non-Government organization for facilitating the program for improving the livelihoods in the conflict stricken areas of FATA, Mohmand agency in July 2011. The program focus on involvement of the local communities of FATA in prioritization of their needs, building their indigenous capacities and fulfilling the required gap in the knowledge and practices to improve the livelihoods. The successful implementation of the program will pave the way for a longer program on livelihood development in FATA and Hindukush region.
The initial agreement for the program implementation was for 6 months, which was extended for another six months till July 2012. After the successful completion of the pilot phase the launch of Livelihood program Hindukush, FRD and IC plan to extend the activities as well as the geographical coverage inside the agency.
The project's main focus is on Livelihood development of the poor communities in the backward areas of FATA, to achieve this end, multitude of activities are being carried out which include agriculture development, livestock intervention, community infrastructure, non-formal education for the drop outs and out of the school children etc, In the new phase of the program it is expected that pro poor value chain management might also be included as an important component in the program.
Non formal education has been very important and successful intervention of the program, where more than 400 boys and girls of the school going age or school drop[ outs are being provided non formal education at 15 villages. One of the very encouraging signs for these NFE schools is the enrolment of  overwhelming majority of female girls which exceeds over 75% of the total enrolment, in an area where female education is given very less importance. The purpose of these schools is to enable these children to be included in the mainstream education in the future and to compensate for the time lapse while they were out of school.