Sunday, 30 December 2012

Livelihoods Development, Program Facilitation
15th July 2011 To 31st December 2012

Mohmand Agency is one of the seven districts (agencies) managed by the federal government under the FATA secretariat.  FATA is among the most backward area of Pakistan, and well known for its volatile security situation. to stabilize the FATA through long term development initiatives and ensure peace in the region FRD has entered into an agreement with Inter Cooperation a Swiss based Non-Government organization for facilitating the program for improving the livelihoods in the conflict stricken areas of FATA, Mohmand agency in July 2011. The program focus on involvement of the local communities of FATA in prioritization of their needs, building their indigenous capacities and fulfilling the required gap in the knowledge and practices to improve the livelihoods. The successful implementation of the program will pave the way for a longer program on livelihood development in FATA and Hindukush region.
The initial agreement for the program implementation was for 6 months, which was extended for another six months till July 2012. After the successful completion of the pilot phase the launch of Livelihood program Hindukush, FRD and IC plan to extend the activities as well as the geographical coverage inside the agency.
The project's main focus is on Livelihood development of the poor communities in the backward areas of FATA, to achieve this end, multitude of activities are being carried out which include agriculture development, livestock intervention, community infrastructure, non-formal education for the drop outs and out of the school children etc, In the new phase of the program it is expected that pro poor value chain management might also be included as an important component in the program.
Non formal education has been very important and successful intervention of the program, where more than 400 boys and girls of the school going age or school drop[ outs are being provided non formal education at 15 villages. One of the very encouraging signs for these NFE schools is the enrolment of  overwhelming majority of female girls which exceeds over 75% of the total enrolment, in an area where female education is given very less importance. The purpose of these schools is to enable these children to be included in the mainstream education in the future and to compensate for the time lapse while they were out of school.

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