Shelter Repair Kit Assistance for 500 returnee IDP families in Mohmand Agency FATA
November 2011 To January 2012
November 2011 To January 2012
Security situation across FATA and Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa remained unstable for the last many years.Inside the FATA Agencies security situation conditions varied from one place to other. Some areas were severely affected and some beard lesser damages. The conflict situation in Tehsil Safi of Mohmand Agency disrupted life for a long time. The volatile security situation and later on military operation caused thousands of people to leave their houses and take refuge in some other area. The active conflict situation and lack of proper maintenance deprived the people of their homes. FRD in partnership with UNHCR was the 1st organization to provide relief to the returnee IDPs in the severely conflict affected area of Mohmand Agency.
FRD adopted a participatory method of beneficiary identification while also maintaining the neutrality and impartiality of humanitarian assistance. FRD teams carried out door to door assessments of all the severely affected villages in southern and central parts of tehsil Safi. Community representatives in each village accompanied FRD team, so that all the needy families are identified and reached to. After identification of the families, FRD social mobilization and technical teams established a close liaison with them, and continuously provided them with technical advice for rehabilitation of their houses. While the beneficiaries were planning and carrying out construction, Logistics team members of FRD ensured that all the material required for houses rehabilitation reach them well on time. Raising the walls had been contribution of the beneficiaries, while FRD and UNHCR were responsible for supply of the material, technical advice, and after completion of the shelter the families were provided with cash for work.
The project is benefiting 500 returnee IDP and stayee families. Criteria for selection is the vulnerability of the families and damages to shelters.
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